Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 4: BYO...Veggie?

Good morning! (or afternoon for everyone else in the world - I always feel like being in the Pacific Time Zone lets me in on the news, entertainment, and action while still eating my breakfast and having my whole day ahead of me).

So yesterday after a grueling (see: red face, gasping, and flapping of arms phoebe-buffet style) workout with my boyfriend (let's call him Stego, keeping with the whole dino theme) - we decided to fore-go the restaurant theme and instead grab some food at the local grocery store. This was an interesting experience for me, because usually at 9 pm, there isn't much in the area of prepared foods.. and if there is, it's ALL meat. I'm serious; even the salads had some aspect of chicken or bacon sprinkled in there, while the sandwiches all contained something that resembled ham (although I stay far, far away from that color pink.. it looks like a 20-year old piece of bubble gum and probably with the same consistency).

Anyhow, we finally decided on a couple of items and brought them back for a great meal for 2. The spread (plus ratings - obviously using meat)
- Multi-grain crackers (Sweet Onion Flavor) - Quite a kick in the pants for such a small cracker! At times I would say maybe a little too pungent, but it made for a great dipper. 4 steaks!
- Sabra Red Pepper Hummus - Usually I'm such a big fan of this brand, but yesterday it just wasn't cutting it -- the flavor was bland and unappetizing. 2 steaks.
- Smoked Salmon - You can never ever go wrong with smoked salmon. I used to inhale this stuff when I stayed in hotels that were kind enough to have it for breakfast, until I realized that it is to be used as an accompaniment to your cracker (not unlike a light sweater) not the other way around. 4 steaks.
- Veggie Platter - Because there were no salad options readily available, Stego & I decided to get our fiber through this delicious trio of celery, broccoli, and carrots. Usually, I'm not the biggest fan of plain veggies, but due to my hunger after the run, and the fact that I could smother it with ranch dressing.. it did the trick. 3 steaks.
- Bananas - 'Nuff said. 3 steaks.
- Jargon Pinot Noir (2007) - Personally my favorite type of wine, the pinot noir enhanced every part of this delicious meal. Bottoms up! 5 steaks!

In lieu of my dessert, I instead treated myself to a more visual sugar: my favorite TV shows. In order, here are (without question) the three best shows on TV today:

Let's be honest here -- I love a show where you firmly believe you too can become a spy using household items, flashy items, and just general trickery. Screw the Lost, the Heroes, and all those other "mess with your mind oh no time travel.. dramatic music..and flying!" Instead, I am into wholesome idiocy infused with a lot of dry sarcasm.

To this point, a buddy of mine, inspired by my clearly delirious posts, has decided to join me in my quest for madness and give up fast-food restaurants for 40 days. Wish him luck, as at least I can indulge in my famous fishy sandwiches or right out of the oil fries any day of the week (and check out that sexy silhouette on the header!)

1 comment:

  1. Sabra original flavor is where its at. Anything they added after is really just that, an after thought.
