Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 8: Pancakes and Green Things and Boils, oh my!

For brunch on Sunday, I went over to my friend J & K's house. They are fully stocked with a kitchen with tons of sauces and goodies, as well as counter space and tools galore. This would turn out to be quite useful for our brunch which included the following:
1) Home-made Korean Pancakes: This is one of the easiest things to make around. Take some pre-bought store mix, and basically add water and whatever you'd like for a fantastic pancake. Our version had these ingredients -Clams, Baby Shrimp, Scallions, Onions, and the kick in the pants winner, Kimchi. Faaaantastic.

2) Seafood Boil. A couple of days before, J&K had made their own version of a seafood boil, which basically meant that they threw any and all types of seafood into a large pot and stirred in some sort of cajun spices and sauces and let it sit for a million hours until everything just kind of combined into a delicious red mixture.. not unike the meals you see at restaurants.

Here it is... look at those sexy legs! To that, I say.. YES WE CAN (eat).
Nom to the max.

3) At the last minute I had thought to bring over about 15 stalks of asparagus that needed to be cooked and consumed before I went to NYC for the week. J went and took about 5 cloves of garlic, some of the leftover onion from our pancake mixins', and did a perfect steamed asparagus to complement and complete our meal.

At the end, here were the final products: The pancake close up:

And the money shot:
Yea to a fantastic Sunday brunch.. and what a great send-off before my gluttony in NYC. Wish me luck as I am tempted by a bunch of rowdy hooligans and beckoning food trucks, carts, and kiosks.

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