Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 17: Running Interlude

As I've said, my secondary goal (aside from talking about the meat-less goal with pretty much everyone all the time) is to get fit in time for the Ragnar Relay. I feel like with about just a little more than half way to go, and also because I honestly cannot remember what I ate yesterday(when you work from home, your lunches and dinners become somewhat a mixture of bagels for breakfast, something thrown together for lunch, and ramen or wine for dinner) I will use the rest of these week's posts to talk about... exercise.

Or in my case, lack of. I just got the official email assigning the runners (there are 12 of us on the team) the legs and their difficulty. Mine are 4.8 (medium), 3.8 (easy), and 5.5 (hard). I should also mention that I am Runner 12.

This means that I will not only end on the hardest, longest leg of the race, but I will also end the race. As in.. run in all my sweaty, painful glory to cross (or crawl, whichever is more convenient) to the finish line. My teammates assure me that they'll all run the last 300 yards with me, but I'm equally as confident when I tell them that they won't want to get a single yard close to me when they see the agony on my face climbing (or limping) up that last hill.

The fun part of the race is that 6 of us will all get to be hanging out in a van for close to 36 sweat-filled hours. I swear, if there is even a DROP of bengay somewhere... someone is going to feel cold Gatorade drip on their face as they try to sleep.

Anyhow.. I drove to LA last night to keep Stego company, and to see some of my buddies to discuss the race and the logistics. Next stop.. LA!

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