Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 16: Wow, she doesn't eat out ALL the time?

So the common theme in this blog is the various food that I take when I go out. In fact, probably 95% of the posts have been around restaurant-created food. So when I write about a home-cooked meal, most of my (dear) friends suspect the following:
1) I have not cooked any of the meal - instead it was Stego
2) I ordered in and pretended it was home-cooked
3) I flew my mother in from SF and had her cook (by the way, I don't know if I've yet said this, but my mother is hands down the best chef in all of America. Possibly the world. I'm not biased.)
However, some of those are just silly, for the following reasons:
1) If I order in, I'm usually not that smart. You'd see a napkin with the restaurant logo somewhere, or those cheap wooden chopsticks. Dead giveaway.
2) My mother has gleefully told me that the day I moved away, it has become my responsibility to cook dinner for her instead of the other way around. True story; my brother and I cooked Christmas dinner for my parents last year. They entrusted ME with the menu. We did couscous and greek chicken. Worked great with the Christmas snow falling in the Northern California area.
Hence.. default to option #1. Stego was able to work from home on Monday, and as a fantastic dino boyfriend he is, he threw together the random food lying around our kitchen to create the following meal:

Yes, folks. We had some citrus-dijon cod, pepper salad, and a small bowl of asparagus (yes! this was my contribution! and incidentally, my best dish. Garlic, you are too kind to me).

We took a recipe from our local grocery store which discussed the various ways to prepare this slightly tougher-ish fish, which included the mixture of dijon mustard + orange. While this may (and still does) seem a strange entanglement, nowadays anything is fair game (may I refer you to Kermit the Frog & Gaga, Giraffes & Otters, Tequila & ANYTHING?)

Anyhow, these kind of meals are my favorite, because this directly faces our 100" wide projector screen, which serves as our psuedo movie theater, where we can watch our favorite shows on our couch in our PJs.

Bon Appetit!

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