Thursday, April 1, 2010


As we reach the pivotal 50%, halfway point, hump day, etc. I have come upon some recent ruminations and observations which I'd love to share with you guys.

1) One of the reasons why I hate this so much is that choices are literally taken away from me. Now I know that I remove maybe 10% of menu items because of their dairy or cheesy-ness, but that is by my own personal choice, and aversion to dairy. When 60-70% of a menu is just not available to me, it's really frustrating. The loss of meat doesnt seem as bad when there are delicious alternatives waiting, but usually when faced with duck, veal, and lamb on a menu, I just feel like throwing back my head and weeping. (Which, if you've been along for the ride, you probably have seen).

2) I have saved a LOT of money. Let me explain why:
2a - Vegetarian options are cheaper - I guess because of the market prices for tofu and veggies, versus a cow and chicken, I really save quite a bit of money when I go out. Additionally, I can't share a lot of meals with others (as I used to) so instead of having a bit of 4 meals, I usually have 1 meal all to myself.
2b - Because of reason #1, I am not as eager to go out to eat as I usually am. When I'm at home, it's just that much easier to be faced with only the ingredients I can consume. Also, when I purchase groceries, the unit cost of stuff spread out over a week will cost me usually less than what I used to spend in one meal!

3) See reason 2b.. when I don't go out, it doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with my friends. So instead of a night out, we'll cook together for a day in (see Sunday brunch and the delicious binge that ensued). Put down better friendships and more adventures as reason #3!

4) I still love. LOVE. LOVE. meat.

In the following 20 days, I still have ahead of me:

1) Another trip to NYC!
2) A guest post by Stego about his meat-less experience
3) The home stretch.. 7 days of pure vegetarianism at its roots - no meat, no fish. The horror!
4) The anticipation of my first meat meal


  1. First Post!

    1) I kinda like the reduced choices on the menu. Its nice to have a limited selection ... makes the choice easier.

    You and your lack of tolerance for dairy based products really reduces what you have at your disposal.

    4) Meat is still pretty awesome. I would be lying if I didn't have giant meat cravings each time we walked by a BBQ this weekend.

    I plan to make a serious dent in the chicken population as soon as I return to the meat consumers club at the end of this week.

  2. combo over rice (aka chicken & lamb over rice) from our beloved street meat vendy!
    not to mention kcart...
    gosh... there is a ton of meat you gotta have here in nyc..
