Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 15: Return to California (at least temporarily)


After a bit of a hectic (read: Bad Weather + Poor Handling = Never flying Delta again, and falling in love with JetBlue) re-routes and mis-starts, my expected Saturday night flight (landing in San Diego at 11:30 pm) turned into a Sunday afternoon flight into LAX with an additional train ride, getting me into Solana Beach at approximately 6:30 pm on Sunday. Very sadly, I missed Stego's race (he placed 40th out of 250, fast guy) but I did catch a gorgeous sunset and a dinner at a little tapas-like bistro.

As we both are adhering to the no-land-meat policy, we chose some hummus with flatbread along with some new england crab cakes:

Yum! Although the hummus was not like my usual indulgence (and when I say indulgence I mean that I'm getting used to rolling around the pita in the Mediterrean Hummus from Trader Joe's like that child Pigpen in the Charlie Brown comics. Yup. Think that kid in dirt. That's how my pita feels when it touches the surface of that hummus), I found it quite tasty after going almost 10 hours without human food (read: salted peanuts and pretzels do not count). The crab cakes were also good but I tend to prefer them really creamy and flaky; these had a lot of lumps but Stego enjoyed them and I let him take most of it.

Since I had by this point inhaled almost 2 waffles-worth of pita (think big, 50 pound waffles) - we decided to split the fish special, which was grilled mahi-mahi.

Oh mahi... how you never fail me. This one was particularly good because there was some sort of chili-aioli (and believe you me, I really love anything with aioli in it because it implies some sort of tangy tasty goodness..) lightly spread on the roll. This morsel also had tomatoes, lettuce, and onions, staples that should never be forgotten with a fish sandwich. In my mind, it nicely complements the .. well.. fishy part. As you can see, I didn't actually remember to take a picture until after I pretty much shoved half of it into my mouth into one big bite. Whoops.

Afterwards (no pictures of this) but Stego and I took a nice little walk along the ocean. For anyone who is around this area, Solana Beach is great for post-dinner walking... we even found a swingset that literally sits at the top of a hill leading to the beach. So at night-time, you can swing and it seems like you are going into the stars! A very heady (and slightly tilty) way to end Sunday night.

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