Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 14: Dim Sum (and then some)

I couldn't help myself with that title. On Saturday, after a long night at the bar/club/chicken and rice stand where I was taunted by my oh-so-wonderful friends, we ended up in Flushing for the night. The next morning, I dragged my very tired self to Dim Sum in Flushing. Being that weekends are prime time for the Tapas of Asia (as I like to call it), we beat the lunch crowd and got there just in time for all the goodies to be rolled past us.

Now, I have to say one thing about dimsum. For some reason, I had always assumed that a large majority of the food was centered around seafood. Shrimp rolls, Fried Shrimp Balls, etc. However, it turned out I was vastly mistaken. Congee had pork mixed in. Tons of pork dishes were wheeled by my sad unsuspecting nose. And even Chicken Feet, strange as it sounds, began to hold a big appeal.

We ended up with a mixture of items, which were placed at our table. How delicious! My favorite thing to do is take a ton of red sauce, lightly sprinkle it with soy sauce, and dunk my shrimp wrap/dumpling/etc. unceremoniously in it until it too becomes a nice reddish hue. Fantastic!

What also struck my fancy was the ginormous crab that was chilling out in their tank. Kudos for the freshness of their seafood.. but man that guy could star in the next Terminator movie.

Great food for a great price.. I'd always recommend Dimsum, especially for a rainy day where you feel like eating a lot!

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