Thursday, March 11, 2010

New York I hate you (Monday)

Usually when I think of New York, the following things come to mind: Amazing friends, Epic Tuesday (more on that during tomorrow's post), and fooding. So much fooding. However, when it's all said and done, the elimination of meat really colors every relationship I have with the city. Doesn't matter that my friends are here... I want to slap them silly everytime they stick a delicious slider in my face or warble on and on about chicken and rice (YES I am speaking to you). Epic Tuesday is not so Epic when your very drunk self can't go to the normal kati roll joint and pick up some chicken tan-AWESOME. And fooding.. oh fooding. Let me give you just a short example of what I am missing:
Exhibit A: The beef. For dinner a bunch of colleagues and I decided to hit up the K-town classic BCD Tofu House. As fellow meat eaters, they decided to get some kalbi to supplement their tofu soups. It was placed RIGHT in front of me. I think my resolve almost broke when it was sizzling, smelling delicious...

I had to pretty much stick my face into this lovely thing to forget about my troubles:

Thank you soon dubu (with not-so-fresh oysters) for being so delicious. and salty. Although burping you up post-meal was not the best feeling in the world (especially when you're running on a treadmill) the high sodium and subsequent red overload was worth it.

Every slurpy spoonful.


  1. You realise every single NYC posting makes me drool and miss the deliciousness!!!

    The fact you would even walk into a place serving Korean BBQ is pretty impressive in your current state - I would try to eat my clothes if I were you.

    MISS YOU!!!

  2. I had a thanksgiving sandwich yesterday. It was delicious
