Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 1: So it begins

Hello All.

I have started this blog in an attempt to distract myself from one of the greatest journeys ever taken: the path not yet lighted.. the land not explored...the bacon dish not created!

-- ok. maybe that last one was a stretch (let's be honest.. bacon has run its natural course.. SPAM is the next big thing. Anyways, I digress). This is pretty much one of the most momentous.. dare I say it.. epic undertakings that I have ever tried, so I figure it deserves its 2 KB of space on the world wide intraweb.

Oh.. but I haven't introduced myself. How silly. I am a Korean, red-meat loving, 4 bowls of rice (and that's just dinner) girl who has decided to give up all meat for 40 days - starting March 1. I know, it seems like it is a Lenten thing, AND i know, Lent started about 2 weeks ago. But this is not really about religion. What this is, is a test for me to see if I can live without meat, and to maybe examine other alternative meals.. and who knows, I might even learn along the way.

Now meat will mean anything that is red meat. This will include: beef, chicken, pork, veal, lamb, game, duck, etc. This excludes fish and dairy (You don't want me to die do you?)

I've also decided that this isn't enough torture for me as it is, so I'll be trying to get in shape for the Ragnar Relay, a 200-mile, 12-person relay where one person runs along as 11 other people yell encouraging things such as "Hurry Up!" and "Wow.. you wear those type of shorts?" (You sir, you know I'm talking to you). Between the running, the emaciation of my bones, and the general lack of happiness, this will be a great place for me to share my adventures for the next month.

So.. buckle up and get ready! And pray that I don't gnaw the keys off of my keyboard! (I think I still spot a teensy bit of chicken nugget on that "f" key..)

First question of the day.. What am I going to get for dinner?

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