Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 2: The Fates Have Spoken

So the initial weeping has subsided. Which is good.

However, the cravings have begun. Which is bad.

For dinner yesterday I ended up driving to pick up some Danielle's Wood-fired Pizza in Burbank, CA:

Some comments:
1) I ordered a mushroom, green pepper, and jalapeno pizza. What I received was a mushroom, green pepper, and... a greenish substance that tasted like air pizza. If I can't have meat, at least I have to numb my tongue with spices to the point that meat and veggies almost have the same texture. CMON NOW.
2) Unfortunately due to a distraction, I was unable to consume this tasty dish while hot, BECAUSE...

I was walking out of the pizza store yo-deedling around when all of a sudden my eyes fell upon the store next door.

I gasped..
and almost fainted (but luckily I remembered the pizza)

because of this magnificent beast:

Ladies & Gentlemen, that is a black tie (dark chocolate frosting lightly pithering around a dark chocolate mouthwatering omg i want to dive face down into its crumbly goodness) cupcake from Famous Cupcakes. Although its appeal lessened slightly from the fact that it features the oh-so-D-list Khardashian sisters, I still forgave it because it came in such a cute little box with a see-through plastic top so I could admire it as I drove home.

Clearly a sign that no matter what I choose to eat.. delicious-ness will always find me.

It was a scrumptious meal.

To answer some initial questions from folks:

1) Is this goal to become healthy?
- 2 words: Hell No. In fact, I might make it a goal just to see how many unhealthy things you can eat without meat!

2) Can you still eat seafood?
- Absolutely. I plan to pretty much subsist on tuna tartare and try some new things like lobster rolls when I travel to New York next week (oh the droolage)

Some thoughts for lunch today: A nice filet o fish meal from Mickey D's? (True story but for about 15 years I thought the pronounciation was philly-o-fish.)
EDIT: This is definitely in the works. First off, 3.99 for a value meal is.. basically change you find underneath your seat. FTW.Secondly....

Need I say more:
Give me back that Fillet O' Fish, Give me that Fish (OH)
Give me back that Fillet O' Fish, Give me that Fish
What if it were you hanging up on this wall?
If it were you in that sandwich you wouldn't be laughing at all


  1. I could go for Fillet O' Fish sometime tonight

  2. i don't think this diet is helping you get into shape.!!! mcd, cake and pizza!!!

