Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 11: Ruminations on the 1st Quarter

As we've hit a fourth of my journey, I'd like to look at my eating behavior so far and its impacts on my social life, professional life, and general outlook on life.

Here's the thing people: IT SUCKS. Yes, most people say, "Oh, don't worry. Before you know it, you won't even realize that you're leaving meat out of your diet."

Uhh... yes, I do. Every time I'm faced with a menu, or every time that I'm peering into my freezer for a fast Hot Pocket, or even every time I have the 3:00 snack munchies (mmm yea that's right Shake Shack burger.. top it off!) I've really become so used to meat in my every day life that I'm acutely aware of its absence whenever I sit down to eat. Yes, I can still have seafood and there are plenty of alternatives.. but that's what it still remains to me. Alternatives.

In the real world, children dance around maypoles made of brazilian bbq carvings, while elsewhere, couples are starting in each others eyes over a big hulk of steaming steak. It's not just the main meal either -- I think I like have the enhancement of duck to accompany my curry, or having just the right amount of chicken to garnish my lunch salad. Without these additional "nice to haves".. it just doesn't feel the same.

So below I'd like to list out the things I am really craving at this moment:
1) Kalbi
2) Any sandwich with chicken
3) Duck Pad Thai, or Duck Dumplings
4) Bonchon/Kyochon Chicken
5) Gyros
6) Chicken & Rice
7) Lamb Kebabs
8) Mapo Tofu with Pork (This is KEY)

And these are just the ones that keep floating to the top of my head as I sit here.

Furthermore, I'd like to point that although I've given up meat.. I think I am having what is commonly known as the meat sweats. I.E... difficulty in consuming alcohol (without its bff, meat), lethargy and prone to open weeping, swearing and yelling at others with meat. But alas.. 30 more days of this await me, so until then.. I'll be munching down on french fries and soda to keep the depression at bay.

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